Kindly present my baby woody (:
Anyway, still look nice with his new hair (:
Such a oldy post here ;(
Yeaaaaa, I have abandoned my bloggie for such a long time. Feel so boring with all these activities. Other than outings,fashion! Its like bringing nothing to you guys but just telling my own story! How boring? Will you get bored of reading my blog? Sometimes maybe you'll? *sobbing*
Im trying to get some new stuff to write about but seems empty! HAHAHA. Anyway, I found back something to blog here! Hope I can still keep the blogging mood on and on!
The toy poddle above is what she gave me! As she said this can keep accompany while she is not around! How funny == Anyway, its not with me because I can't really take good care of it! Phewww, taking care of doggie is really hard as taking care of a baby. DOINK! I admitted Ima not a good MAMA!
Lotsa people may adopt or buy a doggie or maybe pet when they feel very new to them! They never think that they have to take care them for the rest of their life! They can just say: " Oh My God, its so cute darling! I want to bring it home and care it as our baby!" But maybe one or two months later, they may started to forget their so-called BABY and just abandoned them aside. At last, these so-called MUMY may even throw them along the road and it will eventually become stray-dog. They have to find their own foods, fighting each others to get a place to sleep or maybe more and more! This is what we called ourselves MUMY and DADY of those pityful doggie.
Just because of your 3-minutes excitement, you bought them home. And they may lose their whole life just because of this 3 minutes. How sad?
If you really think that you can afford and pay full responsible to them, then only you buy them home. Love the pets in your house today, maybe everything will change your life tomorrow! You will be more and more caring (: And this may change the world!
If you really want to get a dog, you may log in SPCA for further information! Spread your love to the pets and show them they are friends of human. Prove it today =)